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Contra-indications to recieving massage therapy

"It is highly improbable that any holistic treatment will have negative consequences on your health, except for those specifically contra-indicated. If you are wondering whether a treatment is safe for you, please note that certain conditions may prohibit it. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss any concerns you may have with your General Practitioner (G.P.) before proceeding with a treatment."

The main contra-indications are:

  • Malignant disease (cancer) please seek medical advice.

  • For acute inflammation (where the immune system is compromised) seek medical advice.

  • Pyrexia (high fever) seek medical advice.

  • For infections and infectious conditions seek medical advice.

  • For thrombosis (blood clot) seek medical advice.

  • For Phlebitis (infection of a vein) seek medical advice.

  • Varicose veins (weak and enlarged veins) seek medical advice.

  • For heart conditions (heart function is compromised) seek medical advice.

  • For hemorrhage (excessive blood loss) seek medical advice.

  • For Oedema (swelling due to water retention caused by kidney or heart dysfunction) seek medical advice.

  • Lymph-oedema (swelling caused by damaged lymph vessels and/ or the removal of lymph nodes) seek medical advice.  

  • Myositis ossificans (bone /tissue grows where it's not supposed to) seek medical advice.

  • Epilepsy (medical consent required) seek medical advice.

  • Mental instability (medical consent required) seek medical advice.

  • Pregnancy during the first trimester (3 months) always check with the GP.

  • For diabetes, no deep massage is permitted as tissues can be easily damaged. 

  • Acute pain (pressure applied for 10 secs increases the pain) seek medical advice.

  • Open wounds (area affected would be avoided) seek medical advice.

  • Taking medication (treatment may affect the drug’s absorption into the body for the short term) seek medical advice.

  • Intoxication due to drugs or alcohol.

  • Within 60 minutes of eating a meal (treatment may slow down digestion and /or cause nausea).

Particular contraindications to Hot and Cold Stone Massage:

  • Nerve damage.

  • Nerve Inflammation.

  • Neuropathy.

  • Multiple Sclerosis. 

  • Diabetes and the elderly, due to thinner skin but cooler stones can be used. 

  • High blood pressure due to increased risk of blood clots.

  • Pregnancy is all stages.

  • Heart disease and other heart conditions. Sudden temperature changes can cause cardiac arrhythmia. 

  • Immune-suppressed conditions including immune dysfunction and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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